


Art from St.Petersburg

created by  Andrey Sokolov                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Andrey Mikhailovich Sokolov was born in 1977 in St.Petersburg. In his school years he began to take painting lessons from Mark Efimovich Tumin, under whose guidance he studied until Tumin’s death in 2013. In 1994, he entered the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Art at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Department of Museum and Excursion Science) with a major in Museum Business and Historical and Cultural Monument Protection, and began studying Japanese under the guidance of Professor Irina Isaevna Bass, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics. After graduating from the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts in 1999 he was admitted to the postgraduate course and to the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the present time he is a researcher of the Department of East and South-East Asia. In 2007 he wrote his doctoral thesis. The field of scientific interests is the history of Japan and the culture of the Ainu people. In 2003, Yoshioka Hiroko, a master of playing traditional musical instruments and the head of the Ibuki group, visited St. Petersburg. As a member of a group of seven, he studied the koto under the guidance of Yoshioka Hiroko. From 2003 to 2005 he was a research intern at University of Iwate, Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences. During this period he studied Japanese monochrome painting and calligraphy under the guidance of Kudo Yoshiko. After completing his internship, he taught Japanese painting privately.

Mark Efimovich Tumin was born in Leningrad on September 16, 1946. He began to learn to draw in an art studio (1960-1962) and continued in the city art school. Graduated from the Leningrad Art College of V.A. Serov, then studied at the Leningrad Higher Art School of Industrial Art(LVHPU) named after V.I. Mukhina. In 1969, he began taking lessons from Grigory Yakovlevich Dlugach (1908-1988), the founder and leader of the creative association “Hermitage”. For many years, under the guidance of Grigory Dlugach, he copied old masters at the State Hermitage. His main occupation was easel painting and graphics. He passed away on June 25, 2013.  M.E. Tumin has made a contribution to teaching and organizational activities. In 1991, he was the founder of the School of Visual Composition, which later grew into the Institute of Composition. In 2003, he became the president of the St. Petersburg Foundation for Educational Programs. In 2008, he founded Metaphor (2008), a union of non-professional artists who grew out of a research laboratory in the field of visual art, based in the private AL Gallery; he has participated in numerous exhibitions in Russia and abroad. From 1993 to 1998 he taught at more than 30 British and American institutions, and in recent years at the St. Petersburg Institute of Television, Business and Design. Since 1998, he has been a member of the Russian Union of Artists. His works are in many private collections and galleries in Russia, Western Europe, USA, including the State Hermitage Museum.


©Andrey Sokolov All rights reserved.